Monday, April 28, 2008

Special news

What we have wanted for a long time has finally happened...we're pregnant! I have waited 15 weeks, just to be sure, to Blog the news but everything appears to be going well. I am sorry to say that I have been suferring for about 7 weeks from terrible moring sickness - and that includes vomitting (spewing) every day. Some days I have been rendered helpless on the sofa and I have not had the energy for very many domestic duties. Food has become an interesting challenge, with some going out of favour and not agreeing and others becomming new favorites.

The first trimester seemed to take forever for both of us. We were too nervous to fully accept the amazing news and talk about future plans and hardly told anyone for weeks. We know what it's like for it all to go wrong so we just kept everything crossed.
We had a 12 week scan a few weeks ago which was great - a very healthy and viable fetus moving around and posing. The nuchal fold measurement and blood tests have come back normal/low risk so that is more good news. I am feeling a bit better now, I am still 'spewing' most mornings before breakfast but in general the nausea isn't so bad. Fingers crossed it continues to improve!We have now accepted that little 'Junior' is part of the family so have given him/her this nickname until the birth. Oh yes and the baby is due around the 20th October. Thom is hoping he/she will be born on his birthday, October 29th!

Thom made me take two tests, just to be sure...

Seeing Junior moving around and waving arms and legs was amazing and very reassurring. So cute!


Blogger yatje said...

Aw, anon, what a lovely post! I'm so pleased for you and Thom, and Junior too (with their little kangaroo arms!) Will be thinking of you over the coming months - how exciting! Take care of yourself, y xxx

9:57 PM  
Blogger home girl said...

WOOOHOOO!!!! great to hear your special news is out in the world! am looking forward to pics of bump and regular news via blog please. lots of love XXXX

11:15 AM  

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