Saturday, July 11, 2009

Philip's Eulogy

“I wish to read the following message from John's eldest son Philip”

Thankyou all for coming today to celebrate my father's life. I wish that I could be here with you all today.

My dad was a gentle, quiet Englishman whose 80 years of life time experiences spanned two countries. He spent the first half of his life in England and had experienced World War 2 England as a teenager. My impression was that before I was born he had lived a happy life which had featured European travels, some interesting cars and his marriage to his first wife Helen. His life's low point occurred in 1970 when he suffered the tragic loss of my mother Helen soon after the birth of Thomas.

As one era drew to a close, another one opened when he met his current wife Margaret, and Emma was born. His life's story took a further twist when we moved to Australia. It must have been a corageous decision at that time, as I for one couldn't understand why we would swap beautiful green Devon for a less salubrious suburb in Sydney. We were in Sydney for only 4 months until the decision was made that we should make Adelaide our long time home. There Dad was able to work in his occupation as a Further Education lecturer and life in Australia for Dad became more pleasant and harmonious although he still had the normal trials and tribulations of raising his children. My impression was that he had immensely enjoyed his 18 years as a Further Education lecturer as he had access to equipment and gadgets that appeared to be in line with his own interests that included photography. By 1993 he had retired and was making himself pleasantly busy, and life was getting even better now that the kids had grown up and left the nest.

Dad had a contented but busy retirement. He once said to me that he didn't know how he had found time for work in the first place! He had a keen interest in all things technical, and he loved using technology for practical purposes. During his years in retirement he was involved as a co-ordinator with Neighbourhood Watch and was an avid member of the Probus club and there he helped them using technology that he had a passion in. I think I had inherited my love of gadgets from him.

He was a reserved man with a great sense of humor, and quite a fit man, even at the age of 80 he was still riding his bike in hilly Blackwood.

He has been a loyal and devoted husband to Margaret.

He was a wonderful father to myself (Philip), Thomas and Emma. He has encouraged me to be independent, however I never really inherited his organisational skills – as he was always meticulously organised and prepared for any activity or excursion.

Today is a day to celebrate my Dad's long and busy life, We will miss you...from Philip and Toni.

From Oliver and Joseph -
You were a quiet and caring Grand-dad, you are now our angel watching over us....we love you.


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