Apologies for the lack of Blog updates...there is really no excuse! Good news about the placenta, the 34 week scan showed that it had moved up and out the way so we are set for a natural birth. Could be anytime now but most likely to be around or after the 20th October sometime. I am now 38 weeks, so in my 39th week. We are both getting very excited, a bit nervous and trying to make the most of sleep and spending time together. We have completed some antenatal classes, so feel as if we have some knowledge about all of the possible scenario's during birth and have hired a Doula, who will be with us and assisting us during the birth. I have been busy 'nesting' but feel as if I have run out of steam a bit lately as Junior is taking up maximum space now and various areas of my body can be quite uncomfortable. Up until a couple of weeks ago, I was anaemic, which explains alot of the tiredness during June/July and August. At the time I put alot of the exhaustion down to Dad's accident and the aftermath of that so I guess one would have affected the other. After alot of careful dietary adjustment, (including eating some red meat, unfortunately) and taking some hardcore iron tablets, I'm happy to say that levels are back in the normal range.