Friday, November 28, 2008

Mackenzie 1.11.08

Hooray! Junior is here. He finally arrived safe and sound at 10am on the 1st of November, weighing in at just over 9lb (4.1kg). It took us a couple of weeks to decide on a name and as you all know, we have called him Mackenzie John (after my Dad) Newton. It's a bit tricky at the moment to get the time to write much but I will upload some images from the last few weeks. Everything is going well now, following a rollercoaster of a pregnancy, a VERY long labour and a week spent in hospital after the birth with a bladder problem. Thom and I ar totally smitten with our beautiful son and can't get enough of him. Mackenzie is a real sweetie, loves his cuddles and food and is extremely handsome and cute. He is also very strong and I wonder how i will manage to change his nappy in a couple of months when I will struggle to hold him down. A budding spotsman, perhaps?

Welcome to the world Mackenzie!