Sunday, November 15, 2009


Things went very quiet the other morning and as I looked over I realised that someone had found a tin of cocoa in the kitchen cupboard and had poured it all over the floor. Consequently it was all over him as well, including up the nostrils. Lovely!


Here we are heading to a coffee shop on the weekend with Mack being very independent. He was sporting his cool new coat - thank you uncle Neil! The scary thing is he doesn't want to hold our hands, he wants to bolt off so we have to be very careful with him and have bought some reigns. Not sure what he will make of them though!

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Birthday fun

Mack had a great time today down at the Newton's house in Essex. Sue and Bryan put on an amazing lunch complete with banners and balloons and despite the weather there was alot of fun. Thom requested a Victoria sponge cake so I rose to the challenge and produced one for the occasion. Never realised how difficult it is to bake a good sponge - I felt that this one was a bit heavy and flat but it looked good for the candle blowing moment...

The packaging is sometimes more popular than the present! (circa 6.30am)

Happy Birthday!!

Today our little boy turns one! Mack was born at 10am a year ago at Barnet General Hospital. It's hard to believe that a whole year has passed since meeting our chubby bundle. He is running around everywhere now and charming everyone he meets. He loves books, hide and seek and chasey. A few words are forming - 'dadda' and 'mumma' and something resembling 'dog'. He prefers to point and gurgle and use body language to communicate at the moment. We are going to the Newton's today for a lunch to mark Thom's 40th and Mack's first so more photos later...